Sunday, February 28, 2010

DJ 2010 survey

Hi Everyone-just wondering where you would like to see the 2010 DJ run-

at Gallop Park

at Pioneer High School in Ann Arbor

Vote for your choice!!

Thanks, Joyce Bayma


Bob Jilek said...

Anyone who has run in the Boston Marathon should maybe get two votes!

Last year's route was good, even in the rain, but I vote for any route which can SLOW Chris down!!!!

Bob Jilek said...

"laureljoy" is actually Uncle Bob

Unknown said...

Even though we had the "issue" a couple years ago.. :) I still like Gallop. But - if we can get around the strict park district by having it at Pioneer, that may be easier! I can't wait! Let me know how I can help!

Unknown said...

The cook is good with any venue. The rain last year meant the chicken was more moist than usual.

Have Grill
Will Travel

Jana said...

I'll take my 2 votes for Gallop Park, but I will runn anywhere! Please let me know if you need help! Jana